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A dream of you and your dream

I've struggled a lot with what my life should look like career wise. Between random part time jobs, full time jobs at companies I loved and did not - I learned something about myself. After my latest career halt, I realized I want for others exactly what I want for myself. A job that ya love. And that's gonna mean so many things to different people. Some areas I can think of at the top of my head:

-awesome work friends

-good communication with your manager

-beer on tap

-great pay to either save for your goals or do what you love

-great benefits (401k/paid time off/insurance options)

-happy hours with coworkers

-a flexible work environment where you're not glued to a certain desk/spot

-work from home !! a possibility now more than ever

-dogs at work

-free parking

-flexible work hours

-finding purpose in the work you're doing

So what is it? What is it that makes you love your job? I hope it's at least 3-4 of these listed above. Truly. And if not, maybe you should reconsider.

Companies more than ever need to hire for not just the capability of doing the job, but the heart of the person that has it. Are they going to embody what it's like to work there? Can they advocate for the company and encourage others to apply? This is what I want for you! This is something I hope you want for yourself. And if it's not happening for you in your current position you have two options: make it happen, or leave.

Yes it's easy for me to say - "you just have one life to live, and you spend most of your day working - so why work for a job that doesn't fill your cup?" Yet you know how completely true that statement is, you've heard it before. But you still wrestle with it because no one understands your situation. Half true! But you wrestle with it because you haven't taken the leap. You don't have to leave your job tomorrow, but taking the first steps is crucial. Look for what else is out there, start prepping your resume, create a website - begin networking. It's okay to do this during employment. You don't know what's out there if you don't have the curiosity to look at what's out there.

And option 2. Make it happen. Make what happen? Enjoying the career you're in. It doesn't matter what your role is, you have the full potential to make it better. And I could think of several ways to get that head start:

-set up your own happy hour with work friends

-chat with leadership about your vision for a better work environment

-request a budget friendly new benefit (rotating donut fridays/or set up group chats on slack for different sub-groups like "foodies" "running club" "netflix bingers")

-set up a positivity note exchange in the lunch room

-schedule "check-ins" with your manager more often, not just an annual review

-see if/how often you could work in a different space or environment

-start a book exchange

-organize one morning a month to get your team together to have morning coffee/catch up with their personal lives

If the company doesn't do these things, you can make it happen! You'd be surprised by how many would latch on to your eagerness to facilitate these things. It's a calendar invite. It's a request where the worst that can happen is no. It's a conversation with your manager, HR team, or a coworker. And if I could choose, I'd go with the ladder. It's tough to find another job, but what I do invite you to do is to reflect. Write down your pros and cons. If it's mostly pros, that's awesome! How can you make it even better? If it's mostly cons, weigh your options. You didn't sign a contract that states you'll be with the company for 5-20 years. Also - even when it doesn't feel like there's purpose in the work you're doing, there almost always IS. Think about it, write it down too.

Anyways, my dream for you is that you make it happen. Whatever that is. If you're not your own boss, you still have the power to create your dream job within the job you already have. There's hope! There's waiting, but there's hope. Pray on it. Act on it. Good luck!

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